The theme of this online practice is how Thai values differ from those of other cultures. This calls for some creativity on your part. For Task 4 of Module 12, you need to imagine a scenario for each American social value given. Describe how Thai people react to Adam’s expression of this value. Let’s look at one example for a social value that’s not on the list.
We could call this American social value “individualism”.
You could say that many Americans are individualists. They think of every human being as a unique individual, and they value their own right to be different from others. Even when they join clubs or other groups, many like to believe that they are different from the other members. This is reflected in American university programs which give students two years to take courses in different subjects and only make them choose their major after that. The idea is that each individual can take a different, unique path in life. Even as adults, Americans are often not reluctant to change careers or move away from their hometown for work or adventure.
For this value, you could create a situation of cultural misunderstanding like this:
“Some of Adam’s colleagues wonder why he has come to Thailand to work in their school. They have a hard time imagining themselves moving to another country for a year or more. They question what Adam’s family thinks of his move, and one even uses the Thai proverb “dat haeng ploy wat” – have they abandoned him? Adam, however, is very excited about living in an exotic country like Thailand. Whether he stays for one year or five, he considers it a valuable experience that is making him a stronger individual."
Adam might also think that Thais are nationalists who have a rather narrow view of life. However, his opinion is not important here. The important thing is to describe Adam’s behavior and give the opinion of the Thais who misunderstand him. Read the description of each value, then come up with a situation. It’s easier if you know some actual foreigners well, but if not, use your imagination!
Advice for Module 12 team task
(Intercultural Communication)
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- 14111 ทักษะการเรียนรู้ภาษาอังกฤษด้วยตนเอง [1/65]
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- 14320 การออกเสียงภาษาอังกฤษ [1/60]
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