Posted: Tue May 25, 2021 5:05 am
Dear all,
If you first logged in to D4L+P after the deadline of Module 1 Task 1, you are now be able to submit Module 1-6 Task 1. Click on โมดูลชดเชย for more information. Let me remind you that you are allowed to submit only Task 1 of the Module(s) you missed.
Kamonlaporn Sirisophon
If you first logged in to D4L+P after the deadline of Module 1 Task 1, you are now be able to submit Module 1-6 Task 1. Click on โมดูลชดเชย for more information. Let me remind you that you are allowed to submit only Task 1 of the Module(s) you missed.
Kamonlaporn Sirisophon