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Confusing Instructions, Criteria and Guidelines

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 4:25 am
by Schicksal
Dear Ajarn,

I have encountered following issues while doing task 1 and task 2.

Problem 1)
There are 2 times B in Exercise 2:
B1) Writing the rest of the paragraph for the topic sentence “Mobile phones are very important to people
B2) Read the following paragraphs and identify the main idea in each.

However, I completed both of them and believe that other students did the same.

Problem 2)
In Exercise 3, we should write a good four to six sentences (roughly 100-200 words) to fill in the body of the paragraph. By doing task 2 we should comment on our peers’ written sentences based on the criteria for task 1 as follows: Criteria 8: Did you follow the length requirements (four to five sentences, around 150-250 words)? (Exercise 3).
For example: one of my peers wrote only 120 words. The problem is this peer did follow the instruction in worksheet, but his/her written sentences did not meet the requirement in criteria 8.

Problem 3)
The effort assessment guidelines in task 2 do not relate to the assignments in the worksheet for task 1.

Please kindly help clarify and advise on how to continue doing task 2.

Thank you for your support in advance


Re: Confusing Instructions, Criteria and Guidelines

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 1:28 am
by lugsamee
Hello K Schicksal,

Thank you very much for raising these points and forgive me for this late reply na kha (due to Super Typhoon Hagibis in Japan, all of my attention was paid to the emergency alerts during the weekend). Anyway, these are my responses to your concerns na kha:
1. For Problem 1, the 2nd B should be C, and C should become D.
2. For Problem 2, you could exactly say what you just wrote “you (your friend) met the requirement (the length of the paragraph) suggested in the worksheet, which is not the same as the one mentioned in No. 8 in the criteria.”
3. For Problem 3, please use these new effort assessment guidelines instead na kha:
5: The writer completed all exercises in English on the worksheet.
4: The writer completed all exercises mostly in English (partially in Thai).
3: The writer only completed exercise (s) 1 and 2 and partially completed exercise 3
2: The writer only completed TWO of the three exercises.
1: The writer only completed ONE of the three exercises.
0: The writer didn’t complete any of the exercises on the worksheet.

I'm so sorry for the big mistake regarding the information in the effort assessment guideline box na kha.

Aj Lugsamee