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Introducing Group Members

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2019 2:42 am
by Schicksal
Dear Ajarn,

Could you please share some expressions used for introducing group members in letter?
Can I use:
firstly, secondly......,finally, lastly
first, second, third, next and last?

Thank you and have a good day

Re: Introducing Group Members

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2019 6:57 am
by AjAlan
When sequencing people, you may use firstly, secondly, next, lastly.

When adding people (such as those in a group introduction), other ways to move from person to person include also, in addition, and as well as.

For example: 1) Firstly, let me introduce myself. The next person in our group is...
2) Let me begin by introducing myself. Also in our group is...

It is always best to add a variety of discourse markers. Choose several as long as they fit the context and situation of the writing.