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Time Management Strategies (Virginia Tech)

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 7:38 am
by Ekkawit P
Dear all

Since the content on Time Management Strategies is very long and also has several other related matters, I will merely provide you with the new link in order that you can visit the website.

The content on Time Management Strategies is a part of Study Skills Self Help Information, from Cook Counseling Center, Division of Student Affairs, Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

The CURRENTLY ACCESSIBLE LINK is: ... egies.html, starting with:

"Time Management Strategies

"In many cases, new students may not have had to manage their time efficiently in high school to ensure good grades. Whether because of being bright or not being challenged enough, these students are faced with a significant change when they get to Virginia Tech. Some students who received A's and B's in high school now receive C's and D's in college. Those receiving lower grades are probably no less capable than those receiving higher grades, but often their study skills, including time management, are less effective.

"If you can identify with any part of the above paragraph, working on improving your time management may be beneficial to you and your grades.

"On this page, you will be given the opportunity to assess where your time goes and make decisions about changes you would like to make that will help you use your time more effectively. There is no one right way to manage your time, however, it is important to get to know yourself so that you can make good decisions about how to use your time. We all have 168 hours in a week to use as we wish, but some people make better use of this time than others.

"Developing good time management habits takes time and requires hard work. If you want further information about time management, you may wish to review other pages within Academic Support for Students related to time management. If you have been trying to improve your time management but the strategies you're trying just don't seem to be helping as much as you would like, please contact Cook Counseling Center."

Enjoy your study na krub.

Best wishes always,
Class of 2015

Re: Time Management Strategies (Virginia Tech)

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 5:18 pm
by pm.panya
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