Module 4 Task 4 Due date

(English Pronunciation)
Starry Night
Posts: 3
Joined: Sat Apr 08, 2017 3:23 am

Module 4 Task 4 Due date

Post by Starry Night » Sat Apr 08, 2017 4:23 am

Dear Ajarn ka,

I would like to consult with you about the due date of Module 4 Task 4 which is April 15, 2017; however, it is still within a long public holiday (April 13-15).
Unfortunately, a mountain trip had long been planned by my family during those days (13-15) as it is only one of the very few communal holidays for my family. I think I will not be able to access the internet during the trip, and it will greatly affect my part as a team member to contribute to the team task. In all online courses, I always dedicate myself to the assignments and never once let my teammates do all the work alone as I love working as a team. I would like to ask whether you can set the due date for this module after the holiday. The reason why I ask this is because April 14 is also the National Family Day and I believe that most, if not all, students who enrolled in this course will also have family gathering and not all areas in Thailand have internet access. To avoid such a problem, I would like to ask for your kind consideration.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Starry Night


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